Calibration files 




The camera calibration files (.CAL)

This is a text file with three parts:

  • Flare correction (has to be determined if rotating polarizers are used)
  • Software convention (slope -1 if 0 = white and 255 = black as in Image SXM)
  • Camera calibration (since CCDs are linear, this curve is valid for most cameras)


The so-called Flare correction has to be determined if rotating polarizers are used; it depends on the degree of pre-polarization that occurs at the reflecting mirror.

The Software convention has a slope of -1 if the software used to prepare the input uses density coding for the grey values, i.e., if it considers 0 = white and 255 = black (as in Image SXM). The slope has to be +1 for brightness coding (as in Photoshop)

Most camera calibrations look approximately the same because the CCDs are usually perfectly linear.


Download folder with all calibration files  → calib.tar.gz





Inclination calibration (.LUT)

Two files are offered for sections that are 20 µms thick:

  • incA-inP-20-660-700-LUT
  • incA-inP-20-lin-660-700-LUT

Both correct the inclination from amplitude and circular polarization and both are valid for interference filters between 660 and 700 nm.

The second file is a hybrid between the true calibration and a linear one; in practical applications this has been found to provide a better calibration.






Inclination calibration (.LUT)

Two files are offered for sections that are 15 µms thick (very thin sections):

  • incA-inP-15-660-700-LUT
  • incA-inP-15-lin-660-700-LUT

Both correct the inclination from amplitude and circular polarization and both are valid for interference filters between 660 and 700 nm.

The second file is a hybrid between the true calibration and a linear one; in practical applications this has been found to provide a better calibration.