Result images from CIP 


Result images from CIP1A

Typical results of CIP1A are:

  • AZI = azimuth file
  • ERROR = error file indicatinf goodness of fit of G(ρ)
  • FMAX = angle of maximum of G(ρ) function
  • INCA = primary inclination from amplitude of G(ρ) function (0° ≤ θ ≤ 90°)
  • INCP = primary inclination file from circular polaization (0° ≤ θ ≤ 90°)
  • MAX = maximum of G(ρ) function
  • MIN = minimum of G(ρ) function
  • Tindex = tilt index file to calculate complete inclination file INC

  A folder with CIP1A result images can be downloaded here:

 → cip1aresult.tar.gz


Result images from CIP1B

Input for CIP1B:

  • INCA or INCP: primary inclination file
  • Tindex: tilt index file, can be modified (filtered)

Results of CIP1B:

  • INC = full inclination image (0° ≤ θ ≤ 180°)
  • COI = c-axis orientation image (insert = CIP standard CLUT)

  A folder with CIP1B result images can be downloaded here:

 → cip1bresult.tar.gz


Result images from CIP2

Results of CIP2:

  • COI2 = unmasked c-axis orientation image
  • COI2 = masked c-axis orientation image
  • Corresponding pole figures made with Lazy Pole macro (insert = CIP spectrum CLUT)



Results of CIP2: misorientation images (MOI) / orientation gradient images (OGI)

  • EDG2s = OGI sum of gradients with 2 neighbors (0 ≤ 180°)
  • EDG4a = OGI 1/2 sum of gradients with 4 neighbors (0 ≤ 180°)
  • mis-45-90 = MOI w/r to azi/inc = 45/90
  • misE = MOI w/r to azi/inc = 90/90 (= East)
  • misH = MOI w/r to azi/inc = 0/0 (= Heaven = Up)
  • misN = MOI w/r to azi/inc = 0/90 (= North)

  A folder with CIP2 result images can be downloaded here:

 → cip2result.tar.gz


Result images from CIP4

Results of CIP4:

  • COI2 = unmasked c-axis orientation image
    (right = qtz20-pale CLUT)
  • EDG8a = OGI 2 · average of gradients with 8 neighbors (0 ≤ 180°)
  • EDG8m = OGI 2 · maximum of gradients with 8 neighbors (0 ≤ 180°)
  • mis-045-052 = MOI w/r 1st octahedral plane
  • mis-135-052 = MOI w/r 2nd octahedral plane
  • mis-045-128 = MOI w/r 3rd octahedral plane
  • mis-135-128 = MOI w/r 4th octahedral plane *)

*) Obviously, 4 other reference directions can be chosen.


A folder with CIP4 result images can be downloaded here:

 → cip4result.tar.gz