Updated versions of Fortran source codes


of programs discussed in

Image Analysis in Earth Sciences 
Microstructures and Textures of Earth Materials 



→ ISBN: 978-3-642-10342-1 (Print)  

→ ISBN: 978-3-642-10343-8 (Online)  


Spinger Verlag, Heidelberg, 520 p., (2014)






Below, the Updated versions of the programs discussed in the textbook can be downloaded.

For the original versions, follow this link → Original versions


Last updates 




Microstructure analysis

PAROR (particle orientation): particle fabric 
SURFOR (surface orientation): surface fabric 
iSHAPES (individual shapes): shape descriptors 
SCASMO (scale & smooth): scaling & smoothing of outlines 

→ FABRIC-2021-update.tar.gz 




Grain size analysis

stripstar: 2D-3D conversion of grains size distributions

→ STRIPSTAR-2020-update.tar.gz 




Generators for random fabric generators

RANDOM: random distribution of particle outlines

RANDOM3: 3D random distribution of center points

→ RANDOM-2010-update.tar.gz 




Generators of 2D section distributions...

MonteCarlo: ...from random distributions of 3D spheres 

MonteCarloD: ...from random samples of given distributions of 3D spheres 

CalSecDis: ...from given distribution of 3D spheres

→ MONTECARLO-2019-update.tar.gz 




Computer-Integrated Polarization microscopy

Texture analysis — Orientation Imaging

CIP1A - CIP1B - derive primary orientation images (AZI and INC)

CIP2 - CIP4 - derive c-axis orientation images (COI), misorientation images (MOI), orientation gradient images (OGI)

→ CIP-2018-update.tar.gz