
 Lazy EBSD 



EBSD: two coloring schemes


CIP: two coloring schemes



The EBSD macro is designed convert Euler RGB images obtained by EBSD to c-axis orientations. The input is the RGB color image containing the Euler angles in the R- G- and B-channel, the result is a stack of 2 images containing the corresponding azimuth and inclination of the c-axis.





Open the Euler RGB image. Image SXM creates a stack with three slices corresponding to R,G, and B. (It also creates an index image representing the approximate colors of the Euler image. This image can be closed). Use only the RGB stack.

Load the EBSD macro.

Note that the conversion of three Euler angles to azimuth and inclination depends on the Euler angle system employed by the EBSD system on the SEM.

Here, the following conversion systems are offered:

  1. DigiView II EBSD Camera (Bern)- OIM data Acquisition (version 5)
  2. TEM_PIXperUM (EMEZ)
  3. Bern


3 image planes of Euler image with 3 angles in each channel.



Using [C], the three slices of the RGB Euler stack are converted zo azi and inc of the c-axis.


Calculated azimuth and inclination image, Si element map used for creating a mask


The Si map can be used to create a map to mask all non-quartz mineral phases.


Comparison EBSD - CIP



Once colored with the same CLUT as the CIP images, the EBSD image is readily interpretable.